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instagram: @glynsweets
editing music: spotify

I’ve been in love with photographs for as long as I can remember. I live for summer afternoons and winding, narrow roads that curve through overhanging trees or hug the sea. For people who skip the formalities and talk about their hopes and dreams. For thoughtfully-crafted playlists, and films that make you feel.

For the passionate pursuit of things. For conversations in person. For vast places that give us perspective. For slow Sundays that involve french toast. For the crisp light of early mornings. For art and storytelling in all forms. For learning new cities and countries. For leaving this place better than we found it.

For now, the west coast is home. Currently exploring, camera (or iPhone) in hand, collecting moments as often as I can. When in doubt, you can find me by the ocean.

If you're interested in prints or partnerships, or simply want to say hello, feel free to get in touch.


 I N S T A G R A M .

All sorts of randomness. travels + food +cities + people & places I love.

A camera is an instrument that teaches us how to see without a camera.
— Dorothea Lange

Based in San Francisco, CA. All images ©️ Glyn Sweets 2020.